Fio Matta Experience Designer

I am impact-driven person. Looking for improve the lives of Peruvian families through human-centered innovation. Guiding digital experiences team, our work span industries. We focus our energy on creating new ventures from scratch, transforming our ecosystems adding value e2e.

As Experience Design Manager, with more than 10 years of work experience in digital transformation, I do have various duties and responsibilities that were learned through trial and error throughout the years in the workforce.


  • Be aware of the internal and external competition from local and national companies who work in similar areas, and keep up to date with the overall economic landscape.
  • Look for expansion opportunities, like new needs from our customers, markets and industry developments. Take advantage of possible opportunities that can occur to advance the company.
  • Evaluate the overall state of the company as design maturity and understand where it can improve and what it is doing well.
  • Contribute to the sales area of the business to add to profitability.
  • Create and see through a specific plan that guides the company or specific department to work towards.
  • Guide and direct the work of other senior leaders like assistant vice presidents or managers.
  • Take part in the CEO or president team meetings that create the overall vision of the company.
  • Lead Experience departments to work towards a specific goal each year.