Improving the lives of ecuatorian farmers through human-centered innovation.

V I T A P R O  |  A L I C O R P

Built a strong ecosystem with a smart digital platform combining IoT, Advanced Analytics and creating great experiences in the aquaculture industry.


it’s currently in version GENIA 2.0. The aim is to help simplify and systematize the shrimp business, development, with predictive data. Genia 2.0 save shrimp farmers tons of money and resource through efficiency. It helps elevate productive quality because the digital solution are vetted and held to the highest design standards, including accessibility. Our team also created a presentation deck and showcase video to help Nicovita evangelize GENIA 2.0 to all their teams across the world.

Focusing our energy on creating new ventures from scratch.

Working with IDEO. Leading project teams and clients to deliver new offers and ventures to market using a discovery-driven approach to learn, build, and test businesses as prototypes. Transforming our ecosystem in entire solution for our users needs. Adding shared value. Involved in all parts of the design process: user research, concept development, prototyping, and design stewardship. Using UX Metrics in order to improve it.



Farmers impacted


Areas on pilote


Registered farms


Nicovita omnichannel ecosystem, add value end to end.